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2019-11-12 15:30:59 人评论

在11月8日第二届进博会展示发布平台上,科学服务领域的世界领导者——赛默飞世尔科技(以下简称赛默飞)发布了其全球首款能在一天内自动完成样本制备到结果报告流程的高通量基因测序(NGS)平台——Ion Torrent™ Genexus™系统,并发布了配套的Oncomine™ Precision Ass…

       在11月8日第二届进博会展示发布平台上,科学服务领域的世界领导者——赛默飞世尔科技(以下简称赛默飞)发布了其全球首款能在一天内自动完成样本制备到结果报告流程的高通量基因测序(NGS)平台——Ion Torrent™ Genexus™系统,并发布了配套的Oncomine™ Precision Assay泛癌种试剂盒。

      作为赛默飞全球第一套完全整合的高通量基因测序(NGS)平台,Ion Torrent™ Genexus™系统提供了一天内、一站式的自动化整体解决方案,重新定义了基因组分析模式,为精准医学在临床中的进一步普及提供了可能。该平台实现了仅需要少量样本,就可以在一天内自动且经济有效地完成从样本到报告的完整基因测序流程。未来,该系统将助力更多医院自建NGS检测平台,帮助癌症等患者快速得到及时和全面的检测结果,更好地指导靶向治疗方案选择,提升治疗效果,改善患者预后。



Ion Torrent™ Genexus™ 系统

       “两届进博会都为我们企业新品首发、供需对接搭建了非常好的平台,这也是为什么我们会选择第二届进博会发布Ion Torrent™ Genexus™系统的原因。”赛默飞中国区总裁艾礼德(Tony Acciarito)表示:“我们希望通过一系列赛默飞前沿科技的发布,推进精准医学在临床中的应用,惠及更多中国患者,助力‘健康中国2030’目标的实现。”


Next-Generation Sequencing Platform - Ion Torrent™ Genexus System* by Thermo Fisher Scientific Makes its World Debut at the 2nd CIIE

Holds Potential to Advance Precision Medicine in the Clinic


       During the 2nd CIIE, Thermo Fisher Scientific, the world leader in serving science, announced the launch of its Ion Torrent™ Genexus System, the first fully integrated, next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform featuring an automated specimen-to-report workflow that delivers results economically in a single day. The company also introduced its oncomine Precision Assay*, an innovative pan-cancer panel for the Genexus platform. The two help win many audience’s attention, especially those from industry professionals.

       As the first fully integrated NGS platform, Ion Torrent™ Genexus System features an one-stop automated specimen-to-report workflow that delivers results with practically zero intervention in a single day, redefining the genomic profiling paradigm, and enables a future in which local hospitals can adopt NGS and provide the most advanced care with all-around genomic information. We can now envision a time in which patients at local hospitals will have faster access to comprehensive test results that can guide more effective, targeted therapy selection and improved health outcomes.



Ion Torrent™ Genexus™ System

      Tony Acciarito, President of Thermo Fisher Scientific China, mentioned that, “Both the first and second CIIEs provide a great platform for us as a company to launch our new products and exchange supply and demand, and that’s why we choose the 2nd CIIE to launch Ion Torrent™ Genexus System. We hope that Thermo Fisher’s leading innovative science can empower the clinical practice of precision medicines, bring benefits to more Chinese patients, and support the goal of ‘Healthy China 2030’.”


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